Monday, 30 May 2011

Baxi Boilers

On the odd occasion I look after a friend’s house whilst they are on holiday, and I’m here this weekend. Thinking that it would be in the 20’s and I could sit out in the garden and bathe in the glorious summer sun, I mainly packed summer clothes. How wrong could I be? It’s freezing. The heating in the house is set to come on in the early morning and late at night, but I couldn’t handle this, and wanted to put in on for a while in the day to warm my bones. One problem, where is the boiler, how does it work? I find it and realise it’s not that easy and not a Baxi.

Baxi Boilers are the UK’s leading boiler manufacturer and produce boilers to suit everyone’s needs. You can choose from Combi, Heat only, system and back boilers. The difference between these models are Combi Boilers work without a hot water tank and provide hot water  and heating on demand. Heat only boilers are exactly what they say and just produce heat. System boilers actually store the hot water and use a pump to circulate it, it’s all self-contained. Lastly back boilers sit at the back of a fire and used the heat to warm the water and produce heat! An old school way of working but also very efficient. So that was the idiots guide to boilers, and Baxi produce all these types.  I found all this information on the very helpful plus they offer a range of services and products to make your life more energy efficient and easy.

My thinking is to suggest this to my friend whose antiquated boiler is not doing much at the moment, so I have resorted to using a duvet to keep warm!

Friday, 27 May 2011

Alpha Boilers

Ahhh the great British Summer, as I sit inside with 3 jumpers on it makes me think of winter, particularly last winter, one for the records, and we all know from news reports how difficult it was for people across the country in their cars and with no electricity, knee deep in snow. Something that always tends to break down or go wrong in winter is the boiler, so summer is the perfect time to get it sorted and get prepared for next winter,  especially if we have one as bad as last year. There are so many products out on the market it’s quite difficult to choose what service you need or whether you need a new boiler. And do I choose normal or combi?

Alpha Boilers provide the highest energy efficiency rating –A which is a great start, we don’t want to be paying any extra than we should be.  Alpha also offers a range of accessories that will keep your energy bills down including regular, system and combination boilers.  If you find your house needs more hot water than normal, Alpha provides a great solution in flow smart, which is great, because there is nothing worse than hopping into a cold shower. As I mentioned there are so many products of the market, if you’re serious about a new boiler or servicing and caring for your existing boiler, visit

Monday, 23 May 2011

Viessmann Boilers – biomass products

Viessmann boilers have tapped into a market that is steadily growing in volume and in popularity; the use of biomass boilers. This kind of boiler is environmentally friendly and efficient in heating your home. 

Viessmann boilers that use biomass are popular because, like all biomass boilers, the fuel used to run them does not fall victim to large shifts in price. The wood pellets used in biomass boilers are typically found at a flat rate, with little ups and downs like oil. The biomass boilers that Viessmann sell also have a wide range of outputs for various size homes and their specific heating needs. 

The different models of Viessmann biomass boilers all have different scales of output, and certain different specifications. The Vitoligno 300-P is an automatic pellet boiler. This has one of the smaller range of outputs, at 4 kW to 48 kW. It is highly efficient and reliable, and can be used in the modernisation of an old system or as a completely new one in a new building. The Pyrotec model has an output of 390 kW to 1250 kW, and is better for larger homes. Like the Vitoligno 300-P, this model can also be fitted into an existing system or into a new build. 

Although the output for the Pyrotec is the highest, the Pyrot also has a large output of 90 kW to 540, and there are other models with slightly smaller outputs such as the Pyromat ECO and the Pyromat DYN that cater for smaller homes. 

The Viessmann boilers range, like many manufacturers’, has started to see more renewable and different energy products added, and the popularity will hopefully drive others to do the same. 

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Biasi boilers – solar thermal energy

Biasi boilers are known for selling reliable, energy efficient boilers that will compliment most home’s hot water and heating needs. There is now, however, a new demand for renewable energy technologies and all of the benefits that come with them. 

Biasi boilers have stepped into this new renewable energies industry as readily as many other boiler manufacturers have done. Their solar energy package is called the ActivSol, and comes with a whole range of products designed to make the installation of a solar thermal system into your home simple, easy and effective.

The ActivSol solar thermal package includes a Biasi ActivA system boiler. This is a highly efficient boiler that is one of the most advanced in Biasi’s product list. It is SEDBUK (Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers in the UK) A Rated, meaning it has a high level of efficiency and is a great piece of technology to have in the home.

The package also comes with a twin coil cylinder, and a great aesthetic finish to the solar panel itself so that it does not stick out or become an eye sore. There are 3 different packs available for different needs, with different levels of m/sq in each. The smallest is 4 m/sq, the middle package is 6 m/sq, and the package with the highest levels of m/sq is the 8 m/sq package. They all come with a 10 year warranty for the solar panels, and a 25 year warranty for the cylinder.

Biasi boilers not also sell a great packaged product, they also make sure that the package is delivered on time to the installation site, and even more a Biasi Renewable Specialist Engineer will assess the individual needs of you and the specifications of your home to help you choose the right one for you before you buy. 

Monday, 16 May 2011

Ariston boilers – combination boilers

Ariston boilers have a range of different gas boilers on offer for homeowners to choose from, and the range is guaranteed to have something for every level of hot water and heating demands, and for every size of home.
Ariston boilers have a particularly popular range: the combination boilers. Combination boilers, also known as ‘combi boilers’, have been growing in popularity for a number of years. They are space-savers, and have outstanding efficiency through their focused design. The combination boilers that Ariston offer are no different, with all of their models coming with a SEDBUK (Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers in the UK) ‘A’ band rating.
The models include the E-Combi, the CLAS HE Combi, and the GENUS HE Combi. These can be broken down into further, more specific model types, typically depending on their size and output. All have an excellent efficiency rating, as their SEDBUK Band rating highlights, meaning that in the short and long term you can save money on your heating bills.
Ariston boilers, particularly their combination range, can be retrofitted or for a new build, and can integrate into a full heating system. They are all made to be simple to install, neat and tidy to store, and easy to use. Like all combination boilers, their main components are integrated into one casing, making them easy to fit into an airing cupboard, making them a great design for small homes or for those who need to keep their loft space free from larger boiler components.