Monday, 23 May 2011

Viessmann Boilers – biomass products

Viessmann boilers have tapped into a market that is steadily growing in volume and in popularity; the use of biomass boilers. This kind of boiler is environmentally friendly and efficient in heating your home. 

Viessmann boilers that use biomass are popular because, like all biomass boilers, the fuel used to run them does not fall victim to large shifts in price. The wood pellets used in biomass boilers are typically found at a flat rate, with little ups and downs like oil. The biomass boilers that Viessmann sell also have a wide range of outputs for various size homes and their specific heating needs. 

The different models of Viessmann biomass boilers all have different scales of output, and certain different specifications. The Vitoligno 300-P is an automatic pellet boiler. This has one of the smaller range of outputs, at 4 kW to 48 kW. It is highly efficient and reliable, and can be used in the modernisation of an old system or as a completely new one in a new building. The Pyrotec model has an output of 390 kW to 1250 kW, and is better for larger homes. Like the Vitoligno 300-P, this model can also be fitted into an existing system or into a new build. 

Although the output for the Pyrotec is the highest, the Pyrot also has a large output of 90 kW to 540, and there are other models with slightly smaller outputs such as the Pyromat ECO and the Pyromat DYN that cater for smaller homes. 

The Viessmann boilers range, like many manufacturers’, has started to see more renewable and different energy products added, and the popularity will hopefully drive others to do the same. 

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