Thursday, 9 June 2011

System boilers vs heat only boilers

In the debate of system boilers vs heat only boilers, there are certain advantages and disadvantages to both. This does, however, largely depend on the home in which you wish to install either of these boilers.
A discussion of System boilers vs heat only boilers will include a number of different factors, but most of these revolve around the sort of home that the boiler system will be fitted into. This is the same with most debates on boilers; some are just not suited for larger homes, whereas others are perfect for greater capacities.
For system boilers and heat only boilers, the same is true. System boilers can be either unvented, or open vent. Unvented are often perfect for a large home or for a family that has high hot water needs. It is also a great family home boiler because it doesn’t need a tank in the loft, thereby leaving it free for a conversion or for storage space. The open vent kinds, however, do require loft storage and so do not get as many marks on the storage front. However, if it already exists in a home it can be inexpensive to replace.
Heat only boilers provide radiators directly with the heat, and are joined in a system including a hot water and cold water cylinder. This means that, unlike the system boiler, more space is taken up. It is also not ideal for a large family or for a home with high hot water needs, as the cylinder needs to reheat after hot water has been run. This does make it, however, perfect for a small flat or for a one or two person home.
The debate over system boilers vs heat only boilers largely depends on the circumstances of the buyer, and so if you are trying to choose between the two you need to understand your home and family’s needs and make the decisions based on this.

1 comment:

  1. In the debate of system boilers vs heat only boilers, there are certain advantages and disadvantages to both. This does, however, largely depend on the home in which you wish to install either of these boilers. boiler systems for homes
