Sunday, 9 October 2011

Ariston vs. Ferroli - which is best?

When it came to replacing my boiler, I found a whole host of websites that offer both points of view on the two boilers recommended by my gas man, so it came down to simply this: Ariston Boilers vs. Ferroli Boilers.  It’s all well and good to search for the names of the boiler you have in mind, but upon doing so I found a huge number of sites purely singing the praises of these two boilers.  

The Ariston Boilers were very highly celebrated, with the ability to boast the highest band of energy efficiency possible!  Adding to that the fact that they have won several awards including Best Boiler, the ability to fit any central heating system – be it Combi, system or regular AND they carry a 2 year guarantee. It was all coming up roses!

When searching for Ferroli Boilers I found only praise for their heat outputs, an energy efficient A band, simple connection, 2 year guarantee and near-silent function - the Ferroli boiler seemed perfect, and I was again struck with the Ariston Boilers vs. Ferroli Boilers struggle!  But then my friend suggested I search the web for real reviews from real consumers.

I uncovered a whole trove of cons for Ferroli, which ultimately came down to the fact that it is extremely easy to break, with one disgruntled customer even stating that “the fan breaks if you so much as look at it!”  Ooh, harsh words for Ferroli!  On the other hand, I found it tough to find any negativity towards the Ariston, with even these real people with no obligation to say purely positive things praising the Ariston for their “faultless” design!  No prizes for guessing which boiler now sits in my kitchen!

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